The Project

Build a replica/tribute of a Pre-War (late 1930's early 1940's) racing car.

The idea for this is the confluence of several ideas/goals.

The first was a long term project that could be worked on in my basement in small bites. Some may know that several years back I assembled a Factory Five Cobra replica in my basement so I've worked out all the logistics there. Besides, I can run down there in my PJ's if I want.

Second, was cost. Starting with a $300 investment for the Postal Jeep, I could buy or build as I go. I ended up selling the unneeded Jeep body for $100.

Finally, after having the opportunity to "experience one" a few years back, there is the desire to replicate the experience of riding a Harley Davidson motorcycle. The wind in your face, the noise, vibration, the smells - can all enjoyed at speeds legal on a daily commute. The narrator in this video clip about Aston Martins of the period says it much better.

Of the many fun cars I've owned over the years, it's not the "fast" ones I remember enjoying most. For me it's a balance of many things.

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